International airport to be built in Ashgabat

International airport to be built in Ashgabat
TIN news:   A report on the progress of a new international airport's construction in Ashgabat was heard during a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.
The new airport includes 95 different facilities, 60 of which are large and 35 - small, according to the project.
Currently, 31 objects are already commissioned and 31 objects are at the final stage of construction.
“The Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammadov instructed to keep a strict control on all the work carried out in the important infrastructure facility of the strategic transport sector,” said the report. “The country pays special attention to the development of this infrastructure in the context to extend international cooperation and integration of Turkmenistan into the global system of world economic relations.”
It was earlier reported that Turkmenistan's national air carrier (Turkmenistan Airlines) signed a contract with the Turkish Polimeks company on this project. The cost of this project is estimated at more than $2.2 billion.
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