Shipping queue at Australia’s Port Waratah coal terminals hits ۱۲ - week high

Shipping queue at Australia’s Port Waratah coal terminals hits ۱۲ - week high
TIN news:  There were 13 ships in queue to load coal from Port Waratah coal terminals at Newcastle port in eastern Australia Monday, up from six ships seen a week ago and the highest number in 12 weeks, said the logistics coordinator for the Hunter Valley coal supply chain in a report.
The sharp upturn in ships arriving at Port Waratah Coal Services terminals coincides with the end of the calendar year, a time when coal producers seek to maximize their shipments.
Centennial Coal, Glencore, Rio Tinto and other coal producers that use the two Port Waratah terminals are expecting to ship 11.2 million mt of coal in December, said the report issued by the Hunter Valley Coal Chain Coordinator.
In November, the PWCS terminals shipped 7.98 million mt of coal, according to HVCCC data.
The shipping queue for Port Waratah’s two coal terminals at Newcastle port is set to decline in the new year, the logistics coordinator said.
“Based on terminal demand the PWCS queue is estimated to be 13 [ships] at the end of December, and less than 10 at the end of January 2016,” said the logistics chain coordinator in its latest update.
The vessel queue for the PWCS terminals has been in single digits since mid-October, and was at 15 ships at the end of September.
Carrington and Kooragang, the two coal terminals operated by PWCS at Newcastle port, shipped a combined 1.96 million mt of coal in the seven-day period ended Sunday, bringing the month-to-date total to 6.4 million mt, said HVCCC.
For the week earlier period to December 13 the PWCS terminals exported 2.58 million mt of coal, mostly thermal coal and some coking coal.
Quayside coal stocks at PWCS terminals rose 600,000 mt on week to 1.98 million mt, said the logistics coordinator in its report.
A total of 3.33 million mt of coal was railed into Newcastle port’s three coal terminals last week, the two PWCS facilities and one Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group facility, up from 3.18 million mt in the week-ago period.
NCIG terminal’s operators, five coal producers, that include BHP Billiton and Whitehaven Coal do not provide regular updates on their terminal’s export performance or shipping queue.
In a separate report, the port authority for Newcastle port said Monday that 25 ships had berthing slots at Newcastle port’s coal terminals, and were due to arrive at the port over this week.
The weekly vessel arrivals for the port’s three coal terminals were up from 22 ships a week ago, but down from 42 ships that were steaming to Newcastle port’s coal export facilities in the week ended December 7, said the port authority of New South Wales in its report.
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