TIR to activate International North South trade corridor

TIR is the preferred trade facilitation tool – with digitalisation essential – for the activation of the International North South Transport Corridor (INSTC), connecting India, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia and Central Asia.

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TIR is the preferred trade facilitation tool – with digitalisation essential – for the activation of the International North South Transport Corridor (INSTC), connecting India, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia and Central Asia.  

Private and public sector representatives from Azerbaijan, India and Iran met in Tehran this week at a two-day technical workshop to map out an action plan to activate the INSTC corridor under the TIR system. 
The three countries committed to cooperate on the implementation of digital TIR to enhance the efficiency of the corridor. Once India activates TIR in the coming weeks, it will join the other INSTC countries – which are all TIR-ready. Azerbaijan and Iran customs will begin discussions on digitalising TIR between the two countries as a first step.
Organised by IRU member, Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines & Agriculture (ICCIMA) and IRU, the event gathered representatives from customs, embassy, and TIR guaranteeing associations. 
They called for close cooperation between the diverse relevant agencies among INSTC countries including customs, ministries of transport, maritime, road and rail industries as well as port authorities, and agreed to form a working group to support the first TIR pilots to and from India.
Iran’s Ministry of Transport and Customs Administration endorsed the technical action plan, while representatives from Azerbaijan underlined that the development of INSTC is among the top strategic directions defined by its President.


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