Toyota develops hybrid navigation and voice recognition functions

Toyota develops hybrid navigation and voice recognition functions
TINNews |

Toyota Motor (TMC) has created new hybrid navigation and voice recognition functions, which operate through a combination of Cloud and on-board computing.

The new technology has been developed as part of Toyota's 'connected strategy' and is based DCM standard settings.

Toyota plans to introduce this new technology across all its new models, which will be rolled-out in Japan later this year.

The new functions have been designed to automatically switch between Cloud and on-board computing for route calculations and location searches.

"The hybrid voice recognition function uses Cloud computing to recognise natural speech and the names of an extensive number of facilities."

Using the vehicle probe data gathered from other vehicles and external data, Toyota’s hybrid navigation function calculates driving routes and location searches in the Cloud, which are sent to on-board devices.

In addition to these features, the new developed function provides location searches using keywords complex searches using multiple terms.

The hybrid voice recognition function uses Cloud computing to recognise natural speech and the names of an extensive number of facilities.

The function automatically switches between the Cloud and on-board computing based on the nature of voice commands and particular situation to ensure smooth voice operation of the multimedia systems.


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