New shipping service connects Asia to Port of Tyne

TIN news:   Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics (WWL) has recently completed a shipment from Asia to the Port of Tyne near Newcastle in North East England (United Kingdom).
Steven Harrison, Port of Tyne Chief Operating Officer, said: "This has been introduced to meet the demands of plant and heavy equipment manufacturers who wish to move their cargo via the Port."
"This brings added connectivity to the Port of Tyne with a new RoRo service to our portfolio. In addition, it shows future possibilities of WWL providing flexibility and solutions for companies wishing to trade directly from the North East to various overseas markets."
Paul Reeves, Managing Director, Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics UK, said: "WWL's regular RoRo service from Asia to Europe via the Suez and Panama canals is now enhanced by a direct vessel calling to the Port of Tyne that is connected to solid inland distribution services to the entire UK market and Ireland thanks to the strong presence and service capabilities of WWL ALS, responsible for the WWL UK inland network services."
WWL brought their first shipment of construction equipment into the Port of Tyne on the vessel MV Tristan, which arrived at the Port of Tyne at 19h30 (GMT) Wednesday 16 July - having sailed over 8,000 nautical miles in a deep-sea transit taking over 30 days sailing from Japan, then Singapore, Izmir (Turkey) via the Suez canal and Zeebrugge (Belgium).
This recent call by WWL to Port of Tyne was arranged due to necessary WWL customer demand. Port of Tyne is not a regular port of call for WWL, though may easily be added to the existing WWL Asia to Europe service should continued demand be realised.
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