Bombardier Rail Control Certifies Four Vendors and Offers ۴G LTE Wireless Technology

Bombardier Rail Control Certifies Four Vendors and Offers ۴G LTE Wireless Technology
TIN news:   Bombardier Transportation has successfully completed tests to operate its range of mass transit and mainline rail control solutions with the latest Long-Term Evolution (LTE) standard for wireless data communications, commonly known as 4G.
The tests were carried out with four leading suppliers with a global footprint, including Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia and ZTE. The technical assessments were conducted in line with the rail signalling industry's quality of service (QoS) requirements for the transmission of critical signalling information alongside other wireless communication with the train.
The LTE standard supports high speeds and capacity for wireless data transmission networks and offers the ability to consolidate delivery of multi-service traffic into a single wireless network. Well known for its roll-out on commercial mobile networks, LTE is rapidly being adapted for the railway industry for ground-to-train voice and data communications.
Operators using LTE will be able to integrate the transfer of safety-critical signalling, closed-circuit television, passenger information system as well as on-board internet services onto one network. In addition, operating rail control solutions with LTE will enable enhanced system stability and data encryption and security.
Peter Cedervall, president, rail control solutions division, Bombardier Transportation commented, "Thanks to its high capacity, LTE can provide a broad range of services to the public and various infrastructure operators. It offers an effective, comprehensive and economical solution for city planners and national infrastructure decision makers.
"Our recent, successful multi-service tests with a number of telecommunications networking partners will ensure we continue to offer our customers around the world reliable, proven and advanced solutions as they respond to new requirements."
Bombardier's rail control solutions portfolio covers the whole range of BOMBARDIER CITYFLO mass transit solutions, from manual and fully automatic to communications-based systems. It provides BOMBARDIER INTERFLO mainline solutions, from conventional systems to European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) Level 3 systems to industrial applications. Bombardier solutions encompass a complete palette of wayside and on-board products.
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