Sensys Gatso receives US and Australian orders

Sensys Gatso receives US and Australian orders
TINNews |

The world’s largest supplier of traffic enforcement equipment, the Sensys Gatso Group, has, through its subsidiary Gatso Australia, received an order worth A$900,000 (US$721,300) for a traffic safety systems upgrade and services to the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) government.

The order is for the supply, installation and maintenance of a new Traffic Camera Office Adjudication System, based on Sensys Gatso’s Xilium back-office system, which combines state-of-the-art storage strategies with a modular architecture, allowing users to customize the platform to efficiently manage their specific speed and/or red-light enforcement processes.

The order also includes the upgrade of ACT’s existing camera systems to current approved technology. The supply and installation services to the value of A$500,000 (US$401,000) are expected to be completed by the end of December 2017. The software license and maintenance support services to the value of A$400,000 (US$320,300) will extend until December 2019.

“We are excited to further develop the relationship with the ACT government by providing a proven Adjudication System, which will improve the function and efficiencies within the Traffic Camera Office,” commented Gatso Australia’s managing director, Enzo Dri.

“This project will contribute to the control and management of speed and red light offences, and subsequently assist to reduce injury and fatalities on the road network.”

The company’s Gatso USA subsidiary has had its current contract for managed service with the Township of Abington in Pennsylvania extended for a further three years until November 2020. The extension of Abington’s automated red light enforcement program is valued at US$1.5m, over the extended period.

The three-year contract extension is for the continued maintenance and operation of a managed service program based on the company’s T-Series cameras and the Xilium back-office system, which was originally awarded to Gatso USA in 2014.

Andrew Noble, president of Gatso USA, noted, “It has been a pleasure to work with the Township of Abington over the last three years, and we are excited to have earned this three-year extension. The Township’s Board of Commissioners and Police Department personnel have worked hard to create and sustain a red-light running enforcement program based on sound enforcement practices and public transparency.

"We see this extension as their positive endorsement of the role we have to play in their program, and their resolve to improve the safety of their community for citizens and visitors alike.”


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