Problems with ship sanitation certificates in Brazil

Problems with ship sanitation certificates in Brazil
TIN news:   The Steamship P&I Club notes an increase on vessels facing problems with Brazilian port health authorities in respect of ship sanitation certificates (SSC) that often result in delays, extra costs and expenses and loss of hire and advises measures to be taken to avert or reduce the associated risk.
Since the SSC is valid for six months, its renewal must be scheduled and planned with sufficient time in advance of its expiration date.  
It is recommendable that it is scheduled at least forty days before expiration for tramp vessels and no less than twenty days for the liners, so as to ensure that the vessel will reach an IHR authorised port within local health authority’s working hours and avail of sufficient time during the call to undergo sanitary inspection and health control measures, if required.
Instead of relying solely on the advice of the local agent, the vessel’s operators must consult WHO website list to certify that the intended port of call is in fact listed as only SSCs issued by an IHR authorised port are acceptable by ANVISA.
In Brazil, ANVISA issues and extends SSCs in all major ports in accordance with the IHR 2005 for a fixed public tariff10 that is payable through the official banking system – no cash payment is made directly to the health inspectors.  
Learn more by reading Proinde Circular 
Proinde Circular
WHO’s Handbook for Inspection of Ships and Issuance of Ship Sanitation Certificates
ship sanitation
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