Sofia orders Inspiro metro trainsets

Sofia orders Inspiro metro trainsets
 TIN news:    Sofia Metropoliten signed a contract with a Siemens-Newag consortium on September 28 for the supply of 20 three-car trainsets for the future metro Line 3. Delivery is due to take place within 36 months and the contract includes an option for 10 more trains.
The trains will be based on Siemens’ Inspiro family, which is in operation on the Warszawa metro. The air-conditioned trains for Sofia will be fitted with pantographs, as the partly underground Line 3 will have an overhead power supply.
According to Newag President Zbigniew Konieczek, the Polish supplier will play a greater role in the supply than it did with the Warszawa metro cars. It will design and build the interiors, and will be responsible for servicing during the warranty period.
The contract value is 418·3m lev if all options are exercised. Newag estimates its share at 109·3m lev. Line 3 is due to open in 2018.
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