San Diego Airport launches Good Traveller programme to encourage sustainable travelling

San Diego Airport launches Good Traveller programme to encourage sustainable travelling
TIN news:         San Diego International Airport has launched a pilot programme to encourage sustainable travel among its clients.
Under the Good Traveller programme, individuals can access carbon offsets and merchandise at select locations and as well purchase them online at the official site of the programme.
The proceeds collected from the transactions will be put in to conservation projects intended to counteract the effect of greenhouse gas emissions on the environment.
Purchasing a Good Traveller tag or sticker worth $1 will offset 500 miles of air travel or 200 miles of driving, with whole of the proceeds will go into three projects namely, a forest restoration project in California, a wind farm project in Idaho, and a water restoration project in the Colorado Delta.
The airport is partnering with businesses in the local hospitality and travel industry, including Ryan Bros. Coffee and Paradise Point Resort & Spa to extend the reach of The Good Traveller.
In addition, the airport hopes to expand the programme to other airports and cities.
San Diego International Airport president and CEO Thella Bowens said: "Since its inception, the Airport Authority has worked to minimise its impact on the environment. That commitment was solidified with the adoption of a formal sustainability policy in 2008. This programme is yet another example of that continued commitment.
"Sustainable travel goes beyond the airport, so we look forward to working with our travel, tourism and industry partners to take The Good Traveller programme even further."
The programme is expected continue through the end of this year.
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