Ottawa urban rail gets federal funding

Ottawa urban rail gets federal funding
TIN news:        The federal government announced on July 27 that it is to provide up to C$1bn for Stage 2 of the Light Rail Transit project in Ottawa. This represents one-third of the estimated cost.
The government’s contribution will come from the new Public Transit Fund, details of which were set out last month. The fund is being established to support transport infrastructure investment.
Approved by the city in 2013, Stage 2 LRT covers eastern and western extensions of the Confederation light rail line and a southern extension of the Trillium Line, which is operated with DMUs. Completion of all three sections is envisaged for 2023 and would bring 70% of Ottawa residents within 5 km of rail.
The eastern extension of the Confederation Line would run for 10 km from Blair to Place d’Orléans with four stops. At the other end, the line would be extended from Tunney’s Pasture to Bayshore with a branch to Baseline. The 13 km alignment would have 10 stops.
The recently upgraded Trillium Line is to be extended from Greenboro to Bowesville on a single track alignment with passing loops. The 8 km extension would have five stations.
The first stage of the Confederation Line, between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair, is due to open in 2018.
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