China Airlines Boeing 737 Bursts Both Left Main Tyres on Landing

A China Airlines Boeing 737-800, performing flight from Manila (Philippines) to Kaohsiung (Taiwan) with 98 people on board, bursts both left main tyres on landing.

China Airlines Boeing 737 Bursts Both Left Main Tyres on Landing

A China Airlines Boeing 737-800, performing flight from Manila (Philippines) to Kaohsiung (Taiwan) with 98 people on board, bursts both left main tyres on landing.

Aircraft landed on Kaohsiung’s runway 09 but burst both left hand main tyres on roll out. The aircraft became disabledabout 2100 meters/6890 feet past the runway threshold.

The passengers disembarked onto the runway via mobile stairs. The runway was closed for about 5.5 hours until the aircraft could be moved to the apron.


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