Iran Parliament hails President Rouhani's UN outspoken remarks

Iran Parliament hails President Rouhani's UN outspoken remarks
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Speaker of Iran's Parliament on Sunday appreciated President Hassan Rouhani for his outspoken and enlightening address at the recent 72nd Regular Session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

“President Rouhani's remarks were a due response to US President Donald Trump's hallucinatory and hollow words,” Ali Larijani said at the Parliament open session held in the Iranian capital this morning, IRNA reported.

“Trump has to realize that the world has changed and that a political vigilance now has emerged in Muslim countries and this is not going to be altered merely by hollow bragging by people like him,” he added.

“US president is apparently lagging behind the global developments for half a century,” Iran's parliament speaker stressed.

“40 years ago, the Iranian people toppled a US puppet government to replace it with a democracy,” Larijani said, pointing to the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran.

Larijani slammed Trump for calling Iranian government as a 'corrupt dictatorship' at his UNGA address.

“After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, people in the country managed to achieve goals set by the revolution in the face of all the conspiracies by the big powers against it,” he added.


source: Iran Daily
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