| Code: 14553 |

EPA Instructions for reporting compliant fuel oil non - availability

TIN news:    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has posted step-by-step instructions for use of its North American Emission Control Area (ECA) Electronic Fuel Oil Non-Availability Disclosure Portal - FOND Instructions
An owner or operator of a vessel that cannot obtain compliant fuel oil can make a fuel oil non-availability claim through submission of a Fuel Oil Non-Availability Report (FONAR).
Persons wishing to submit FONARs to the EPA must now request an electronic FONAR form through FOND and must submit completed FONARs through this same electronic portal.
EPA document provides instruction on how to register with and use the FOND portal for any party wishing to submit a FONAR to disclose potential violations of the North American Emission Control Area under MARPOL Annex VI, Regulation 18.
Specifically, EPA document provide information on the following:
    Central Data Exchange (CDX) Registration
    Request and Receive an electronic Fuel Oil Non-Availability Report form (FONAR)
    Complete the FONAR Form and Additional Documents
    Submit the Completed FONAR
Once the FONAR has been submitted, the vessel should proceed in its normal course and does not need to wait for further confirmation from EPA prior to entering the North American ECA.
In due course, the EPA will review the complete FONAR submitted by the user and will decide on the appropriate action to take, including taking no action.
The EPA may contact the submitter (and/or ship owner or operator) in the event of an incomplete submission, a request for additional information, or to pursue an enforcement action such as a Notice of Violation.
The ship owner or operator is required to maintain records of this submission for a period no less than 5 years from the occurrence of the violation.

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