Strong interest in Kuala Lumpur - Singapore high speed line

Strong interest in Kuala Lumpur - Singapore high speed line
TIN news:    The land transport authorities of Malaysia and Singapore received 98 responses to their request for information for the Kuala Lumpur – Singapore High Speed Rail project, SPAD and LTA jointly announced on November 25. The proposed 330 km line would offer a 90 min journey time.
The RFI was issued on October 7 to gauge market interest and gather industry opinion on the commercial and technical aspects of the project, to help to inform ongoing bilateral discussions. Responses came from companies and consortia ‘from across the high speed rail value chain’, including entities based in Malaysia, Singapore, the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, the Middle East and North America.
The two governments expect to finalise the commercial and procurement models for the project by next year.
‘We are grateful for the strong feedback that the market has provided us on our project’, said SPAD Chief Executive Mohd Azharuddin Mat Sah and his LTA counterpart Chew Men Leong in a joint statement. ‘We will study the responses thoroughly and consider how the project’s commercial model and procurement approach can be further improved. We are heartened by the support we have received, and look forward to our continued partnership with the private sector to deliver this exciting and iconic project.
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