Newag to build TSI - compliant multi - system freight loco

Newag to build TSI - compliant multi - system freight loco
 TIN news:        The Natio­nal Cen­tre for Rese­arch & Deve­lop­ment has awarded Newag a 10·9m złoty grant to support the development of what the company says would be Europe’s first TSI-compliant six-axle multi-system electric freight locomotive. This programme is expected to cost a total of 27·2m złoty.
Announcing the grant on September 25, Newag said it planned to use the results of ‘cutting-edge’ R&D pro­jects to bring inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gies, pro­ducts and pro­ces­ses to the market.
The demonstrator locomotive is expected to be rolled out in 2018, and will be based on Newag’s existing Dragon six-axle single-system design which was launched in 2009.
‘At present Newag offers Dragon loco­mo­ti­ves whose ave­rage relia­bi­lity ratio is 99·6%’, said Deputy Pre­si­dent Bar­tosz Krzemiń­ski. ‘The locomotive’s excel­lent per­for­mance led to our deci­sion to deve­lop this pro­duct fur­ther.’
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