US hearing to focus on Arctic Policy

TIN news:      Arctic-regionThe Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, chaired by Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), will hold a hearing next week to review U.S. policy in the Arctic and how the agencies with the largest presence in the Arctic intend to implement such policy.
It is declared U.S. policy, relative to the Arctic region, to meet national security and homeland security needs, protect the environment, ensure sustainable natural resource management and development, strengthen institutions for cooperation among Arctic nations, involve indigenous communities in decision-making, and enhance scientific monitoring and research. For implementation of U.S. policy in the Arctic, the Department of Homeland Security/Coast Guard is the designated lead federal agency for implementing the most objectives.
The Subcommittee hearing, entitled, "Implementing U.S. Policy in the Arctic," is scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 23, 2014 in 2253 Rayburn House Office Building.
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