No Zarif correspondence with US state secretary: Foreign Ministry

No Zarif correspondence with US state secretary: Foreign Ministry
TIN news:  Iranian Foreign Ministry has vehemently dismissed as “baseless" the claim that Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has written a letter to US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
The ministry issued a statement on Tuesday in response to the “incorrect” claim by Iranian lawmaker Javad Karimi Qoddousi that Zarif had had correspondence with his American counterpart.
The ministry expressed sorrow and shock at such illusive and malicious allegations by Karimi Qoddousi, who is a member of the Parliament Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy, and warned of the adverse consequences of his insistence on continuing to level false and baseless allegations against the country’s top diplomat in an effort to create panic in the public and show off.
“Like before, such claims will not bear any fruit concerning his (Qoddousi's) particular goals,” it added.
Iran's wise and informed lawmakers and noble nation are well aware of the general outlines of Iran’s foreign policy and would never be influenced by such false propaganda.
The statement came after Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said on Saturday that the Islamic Republic has no relations with the new administration in the United States.
“Whatever has been done so far [in bilateral contacts] was only related to the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action),” Qassemi said, pointing to the 2015 nuclear agreement signed between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries, including the US.
He added that negotiations between Tehran and Washington were only related to the Iranian nuclear program.
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