CRCC selected to build Kano light rail network

CRCC selected to build Kano light rail network
TIN news:   Kano state’s Ministry of Works, Housing & Transport has provisionally awarded contracts for the construction of a light rail network in the city of Kano to a consortium of China Railway Construction Corp subsidiaries China Railway 18th Bureau Group and China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau Group.
The 74·3 km network would be designed for speeds of 100 km/h. The Lot 1, 2, 3 and 4 contracts would have a total value of US$1·85bn. Construction of Phases I and II is expected to take two years.
Announcing the provisional agreement on August 30, CRCC said the formal award of the contracts was subject to the fulfilment of conditions in a letter of intent from the financing bank as well as final presidential approval. The award is valid for three weeks, and CRCC cautioned that ‘the company considers that there are still uncertainties in the final execution of the general contracting and subcontracting agreement.’
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