Airbus presents ‘Day & Night’ first-class concept design

Airbus Interiors Services is introducing a new concept in first class where the passenger is given both a seat and a private sleeping area.

Airbus presents ‘Day & Night’ first-class concept design
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Airbus Interiors Services is introducing a new concept in first class where the passenger is given both a seat and a private sleeping area.

In a new way to exploit cabin space, the “Day & Night” layout features a 2 m (6.6 ft.) long “real bed,” Airbus said. The “night” area also has stowage space and an entrance.

The “day” living zone's main two components are a seat and a dining and working table. An adjustable partition allows to make it a two-guest table. Both areas include inflight entertainment equipment. The total surface stands at 3.4 sq. m (36.6 sq. ft.) per person.

The new product is currently in development. Airbus estimates it could deliver, for aircraft integration, in 18-24 months. The actual lead time would depend “on the airline’s requirements complexity.”

From the manufacturer’s standpoint, a benefit will be found in certification. The seat is much less complex than existing first-class seats, making it easier to meet the 16g-shock criterion in particular. The bed, meanwhile, will not be used during the climb or approach; safety requirements are thus not as stringent as for a seat.

As a result, Airbus expects the weight of a complete Day & Night suite will be lower than that of a standard first-class seat.

Source: atwonline


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